Many people have outdated views on pensions planning and retirement. The changing landscape has encouraged investors to seek Buy-to-Let property investments, ISAs, Personal Portfolios (OEICs) alongside traditional pensions for income in retirement. Recent changes have meant that planning retirement income means modelling the income around the tax breaks. Planning is essential for this purpose to ensure your overall income requirements are achieved in the most tax-effective way.

We will advise on the best pension vehicle for you; whether you are at the start of your pension planning or looking to draw benefits is a complex area. Choosing the right pension requires a detailed understanding of your circumstances, tax status, employment status and more.

Our expertise includes advising on:

·         Income drawdown

·         Self-Invested Personal Pensions

·         Stakeholder pensions

·         Consolidation of older pensions to give pension flexibility

·         Employers' schemes and Workplace pensions

·         Executive Pensions and Small Self-administered Schemes

·         Transfers from Defined Benefits Schemes

Retirement Planning

Identifying your retirement income needs and understanding your proposed spending priorities in retirement allows us to plan the utilisation of those retirement assets in the most tax-effective way and, where appropriate, the legacy of those assets protecting your family and future generations. Cash flow modelling is a tool that allows us to forecast expenditure against expected growth and this forms an integral part of our review process in retirement.

·         Cashflow modelling

·         Income tax-efficiency planning

·         Legacy planning and succession