The dedicated service offered by Chantler Kent is the planning around how you best use your resources to maximise your income and savings. We use cash flow modelling to identify your income needs both now and, in the future, looking at your proposed spending priorities. This then allows us to plan and build a strategy to invest your assets in the most tax effective way and where appropriate, the planning around legacy assets, protecting your family and future generations.
As part of this service we assess your attitude to risk, the prevailing tax opportunities and your requirements for income and growth. Following a review of your current financial position, aspirations and objectives, we then make our recommendations.
. Our service proposition includes the following:
Annual review meeting and interim updates from adviser or support
Unlimited telephone and email access to adviser
Valuation reports when required
Strategic updates to accountants and other professional advisers, supplying year-end taxation information, recommending suitable professionals as needs arise
Inheritance tax and estate planning
Taxation planning in conjunction with accountants and other taxation advisers
Discounted access to the market
Discounts that increase with the value of investments
A financial plan based upon your specific goals which are reviewed and updated regularly
Independent psychometric testing to ascertain client attitude to investment risk
Portfolio construction
Qualitative analysis of investment options across the whole of market